Service Webdata.live

Service Webdata.live
Webdata.live is an online platform designed to monitor and control power plants / diesel generators / diesel power plants and other equipment in real time. The equipment is a TU41-DVK / SN1-DVK modem with a GSM module, antenna, SIM card, storing the configuration of connected devices and other settings. Modems come with free software that allows you to add / remove devices, tags and commands, change communication parameters with them, set up periodic SMS sending, set up subscribers and differentiate access rights to various tags or commands for different subscribers.

The Webdata.live server can be controlled remotely; to access telemetry, it is enough to have a personal computer, tablet or phone with Internet access. Data transmitted in communication channels is securely encrypted, which allows you not to worry about the confidentiality of the information provided.

Web server Webdata.live is capable of storing event and telemetry histories for up to six months, allowing you to display and analyze information on charts. All objects / data / telemetry of objects can be represented on an interactive map.

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Service Webdata.live

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