Magnetron MSF1421B

Magnetron MSF1421B
MSF1421B - magnetron X-band with a peak power output of 4 kW. Designed for installation in the radar bridgemaster series. Performs work in the frequency range of 9380 to 9440 MHz. Warm-up time MSF1421B magnetron to start is only 60 seconds.
  • Peak anode current - 2 - 4 A
  • Average power consumption of the anode - 13 W
  • Duty Cycle - 0,001
  • The rate of increase of the voltage pulse - 70 kV / microsecond
  • anode temperature - 100C
  • Warm-up time - 60 seconds
  • Frequency range - 9380 - 9440 MHz
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Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
Magnetrons for radar in stock
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Magnetron MSF1421B

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