Magnetron M1458A

Magnetron M1458A
Magnetron M1458A is designed for X-band radar system with fixed frequency range 9380-9440MGts and maximum output power of 25kW.
Compact, rugged and lightweight magnetron M1458A complies with the quality standards and constantly passes manufacturer testing.
  • Frequency Range: 9380-9440 MHz
  • Maximum output power - 25 kW
  • Pulse duration - 1 ms
  • Duty Cycle - 0,001
  • Anode voltage - 8 kV
  • Maximum anode current - 8 A
  • Heater Voltage - 6.3
  • Heater Current - 0.52 A
  • Slew rate existing momentum - 150 kV / microsecond
  • Anode Temperature - 100 ° C
  • Weight - 0.7 kg

Magnetron M1458A

Magnetron M1458A

Additional Information
Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
Magnetrons for radar in stock
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Magnetron M1458A

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