Magnetron MG6028

Magnetron MG6028
MG6028 magnetron is designed to work in a range of 2852 - 2861 MHz with a maximum power output of 5500 kW. 
Magnetron MG6028
MG6028 magnetron used for remote operation via a DC power source. MG6028 magnetron and magnet are built waterproof cover. Magnetron requires water flow of 18 to 27 L / min; pressure drop in the water-resistant cover a maximum of 103 kPa. Electromagnet requires water flow 4.5 l / min at a pressure drop of 14 kPa.
  • The maximum anode voltage - 55 kV
  • Maximum anode current of -265 A
  • Input Power - 7.0 kW
  • The rate of rise of the pulse voltage - 125 kV / m
  • Frequency: 2852 - 2861 MHz
  • Average output power - 5500 kW
  • Heater Voltage - 13
  • Pre-heating time of the cathode (at least) - 6.0 minutes
  • Weight - 8 kg

Magnetron MG6028


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Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
Magnetrons for radar in stock
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Magnetron MG6028

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