Magnetron MG5125

Magnetron MG5125
Magnetron MG5125, operating at frequencies 2993 - 3002 MHz with a maximum power output of 2000 kW, intended for linear accelerators.Magnetron MG5125
MG5125 magnetron is water cooled and has a built-in waterproof case. Recommended flow rate of 5 liters per minute or more, the pressure flow rate is about 1.25 kg / cm2. Leaving water temperature should not exceed 50 C.
  • The maximum anode voltage - 47 kV
  • Maximum anode current of -100 A
  • Input Power - 7.0 kW
  • Pulse duration - 5.0 ms
  • The rate of rise of the pulse voltage - 120 kV / m
  • Frequency: 2993 to 3002 MHz
  • Maximum output power - 2000 kW
  • Heater Voltage - 8.5
  • Weight - 8 kg

Magnetron MG5125

Magnetron MG5125

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Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
Magnetrons for radar in stock
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Magnetron MG5125

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