Linemet ISTA-240

Linemet ISTA-240
Linemet ISTA-240
Linemet ISTA-240

ISTAN-240 ™ linetet  is an air-rescue device used on sea and river vessels for the supply of a tug or rescue rope to a distressed ship. The ISTA-240 ™ linetem can be serviced by one person without special training. The capacity of the built-in balloon allows you to autonomously make at least 3 regular starts. Filling the line into the throwing container is carried out using the attached device for several minutes

It has the certificate of compliance with the requirements of the International Convention on Saving at Sea (SOLAS), approved by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 


  • The length in running order is not less than, mm 1175
  • Weight, kg 7.3
  • Maximum throwing range, m 240
  • Strength of the line is not less than, kN 2,0
  • Number of starts without refueling, at least 3
  • Working pressure in the tank, MPa 20.7
  • The capacity of the cylinder is not less than, l 0.74

  • RMRS
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Linemet ISTA-240

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Regulations on the part of the radio equipment, item 2.2 Regulations on the part of the radio equipment, item 2.2 Regulations on the part of the radio equipment, item 2.2