Samyung SGN-500

Samyung SGN-500
Ship combined GLONASS / GPS-receiver Samyung SGN-500 is required for accurate determination of the coordinates in the space ship. For NMEA 0183 SGN-500 podklchaetsya to ship navigation network, and transmits the data to the other devices. 
Samyung SGN-500 is enclosed in a durable water-proof case, so that the device has different mounting options. The receiver is equipped with a large color display and fully russifitsirovat interface. 
Key features: 
  • Relevant resolutions IMO A.694 (17); Res.MSC.115 (73) and standard IEC (IEC 61162; IEC 60945; IEC 61108-1). 
  • Compact size, allows to install Samyung SGN-500 in any convenient place users 
  • Equipped with a large color LCD display for displaying coordinates and drugory information necessary for navigation. 
  • Quickly calculates satellite almanac, which allows for launch Samyung SGN-500 in the shortest time. 
  • Adjustable brightness keyboard, allows to exploit Samyung SGN-500 in low light conditions. 
  • Has the ability to integrate into the ship's information network protocols thanks to the support of various types, and their access to the front panel. 
  • Optionally, the operator can display on displlee different information in different modes.
  • RMRS
  • RRR
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Samyung SGN-500

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