AС-04 gyratory (azimuth) wheel for T-130

AС-04 gyratory (azimuth) wheel for T-130
The gyromagnetic (azimuth) circle AC-04 is designed for magnetic compasses Saura T-130. The azimuth circle is a fixed ring with a graduated scale, which measures the course angles with the help of a direction finder. The gyratory circle AC-04 is located on the compass lid (gyrocompass repeater), has a gradation from 0 to 360 °, or from 0 to 180 ° in both directions.
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AС-04 gyratory (azimuth) wheel for T-130

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Echo sounder Echo sounder The echo sounder is a useful navigation aid. It transmits ultrasound pulses (> 20,000 Hz) and measures the period that elapses before the transducer registers the echo from the seabed.