2KP-RRR - is a voltage converter made in the KNB-15 battery case. It is equipped with an input connector-plug cigarette lighter. When used in conjunction with the Granit IVEP-30V (with a 12V on-board network) it allows to feed such radio stations as:
  • Granit P-41
  • Granit Р-43
  • Granit 2P-44
  • Granit 2P-45
  • Voltage - 12 V
  • Compatibility - Granit Р-41 / Р-43 / 2Р-44 / 2Р-45
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Synchronous use of different types of electronic chart Synchronous use of different types of electronic chart If electronic charts other than ENCs are used in ECDIS then a message will be presented that warns the Navigator to use official, corrected charts for navigation