New replacement kit for VDR MDP-A427 battery


New replacement kit for VDR MDP-A427 battery

From June 2018, Kelvin Hughes will begin shipping the battery pack under the MDP-A427 number. The kit includes 2 DAU batteries, an air filter and a BIOS battery. Shelf life - 3 years from the date of installation.

Important! Only original MDP-A427 batteries will be authorized for replacement, installing any other type will result in APT failure. Official consumables meet new security requirements and guarantee trouble-free operation in the event of an incident. 

Battery number 45-671-0358-001 will no longer be available separately, only in the kit that should be used when the batteries are to be replaced.

New replacement kit for VDR MDP-A427 battery

During the installation of these batteries, the expiration date should be marked as "3 years from the date of installation".

Changes will also be made to document CSD-1001 - the APT procedure. The introduction of this policy will become mandatory from January 1, 2019, to allow agents to have time to order batteries from the remaining reserves.

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